b"Semifreddo Cold Prep products.Antonelli run training courses to demonstrate and advise you how to use this kit.So You Want to Make Semifreddo runs about twice a year, but we can always organise a One 2 One session either at our Gelato Academy or on your premises if you prefer.Product Product NameUnit Unit/DoseGlutenDairyHalal VeganCode (all dosages to suit taste) Weight (kg) Box g/kg Free FreeSemifreddo Line in PasteKPC039P Fior di Latter (cream flavor) 3 2 ad libKPC549 Granmousse Cioccolato (chocolate) 1 6 350KPC554 Granmousse Neutra(neutral) 1 6 280KPC553 Granmousse Panna (cream flavor) 1 6 350KPC670 Soluzione Frutta Giubileo (cold process) 1.25 10 220Semifreddo Line in PowderKP006B Biancocream (whipping cream with vegetal fats) 2.5 4 350KP138 Meringa Piu' (egg white for meringue) 2.5 4 280KP291 Monro' (whipping cream with butter fat) 2.5 4 350MAI70AM Pannatex (Whipped cream stabiliser) 1.00 6 45KP1103 Semifreddo Anima 2 4 105KP1052 Semifreddo Perfetto 2 4 100KP1000 Semifreddo Vegan 1 10 175MAI70XM Semifreddo Base 2.00 6 330Glazing PastesKPC774 La Glassa Argento (silver) 3.3 2 ad libKPC753 La Glassa Bianca (white) 3.3 2 ad libKPC776 La Glassa Bronzo (bronze) 3.3 2 ad libKPC747 La Glassa Cacao (cocoa) 3.3 2 ad libKPC759 La Glassa Caramello Salato (salted caramel) 3.3 2 ad libKPC779 La Glassa Cassis Lavanda (cassis lavender) 3.3 2 ad libKPC746 La Glassa Fragola (strawberry) 3.3 2 ad libKPC756 La Glassa Lampone (raspberry) 3.3 2 ad libKPC755 La Glassa Limone (lemon) 3.3 2 ad libKPC754 La Glassa Mango-Yuzo 3.3 2 ad libKPC778 La Glassa Mora e Mirtillo (black and blueberry) 3.3 2 ad libKPC777 La Glassa Nera (black) 3.3 2 ad libKPC748 La Glassa Neutra (neutral) 3.3 2 ad libKPC775 La Glassa Oro (gold) 3.3 2 ad libKPC758 La Glassa Pistachio 3.3 2 ad libReady GelatinKPF913B RAPID GEL (ready use for shiny fruit pieces) 6ad libCodes starting withM = MARTINI | K = COMPRITAL | A = GELPRO32 0161 789 4485|orders@antonelli.co.uk"